Select the right tone of Lighting 2019-01-22T07:04:09+00:00

Project Description

Select the right tone of Lighting

I had a very interesting meeting with a lighting company export manager who explained numerous aspects which enlightened us about many myths.

We all select but without really connecting to the actual reason why a certain tone of light is required in certain areas.

Ok let’s talk about sunlight, in the mornings when the sun is rising the tone is yellowish for almost till 7.30 or 8 am, that keeps us awake without really letting all our senses be overactive. Just the right tone which does not hurt sleepy eyes.

Later in the day say from 9am to 5.45pm the light is fully white with all your senses super active and you don’t feel droopy once you are exposed such bright light.

Similarly, as it becomes later in the day again the yellowish tone is back and has a gentle mulling effect and gradually it becomes fully dark.

On the same lines, while selecting colour tones for your home every space has should have the required tone of light.

kitchen should have counters illuminated with a little neutral white or slightly warmer white for two reasons, one is that when there is  yellowish light you are not sure if the coffee colour is just right, are the onions the right brown and so on. And the second reason is that your senses are on full alert while cooking.

study should have neutral white or slightly warmer white as it helps to awaken your senses.

As for the Living and Bedrooms a warmer light is a good option to have the relaxed light mood.

Never thought that there is so much to think of while choosing simple lights!